Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Life is good....

So in many ways this divorce is a blessing in so many areas. Now that I am back on weight watchers I don't have to worry about someone else cooking meals that are unhealthy. I am the only person preparing meals and shopping so I am the only one in charge of keeping good healthy items in the home. I have my weigh in on Sunday and I hope that I lose some weight. It is really hard because of my stupid foot and ankle that I am not able to do Zumba like I would like to. So the other evening I went to the little gym in my apartment complex and rode the stationary bike and did 5.2 miles. Tonight I plan on taking my nook in with me so that I can read and be able to last longer. And as soon as my foot gets better I am going to my mountain and do a hike with my daughters and restarting Zumba and some other classes that are offered at my local gym. I am wanting to really work towards doing runs and am thinking about getting the book "The Big Book of Marathon and Half-Marathons". I heard that it was good and gave you training exercises and goals I believe.

This weekend will be the 2nd weekend that my oldest daughter does not go to her dad's. She really isn't wanting to spend time with him because of the way he treats her. So I think that I am going to take her on her 2nd driving lesson. She is 15 and will be getting her driving permit in a few months. I took her once 2 weeks ago and she did amazing. I even let her drive on a neighborhood road and she did great!! Well I am off to have my healthy lunch now. I hope you all have a lovely day and hope one day someone will leave me a comment saying hi.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Rock bottom.....

So it has been a while since I have updated my blog. I have been very stressed out with this divorce crap. But I have come to the conclusion that things are going to be hard and if he doesn't want to pay child support that I will let the court handle things. Me complaining and stressing out and getting angry don't do anything to make the situation any better. So enough of that. Whatever is going to happen will. My closet is clean I have no skeletons and am being more than fair I believe. He is the one with plenty of history that he doesn't want brought out. We will see how it turns out.

So I have hit my rock bottom with my weight issue.
I was going to a wedding and even thought of wearing jeans, then I realized that no one wears jeans to a wedding how rude would that be to show up in jeans. So I put on my one skirt and my one shirt and my one pair of 4 inch wedges. Mind you I am not comfortable in anything but tennis shoes. But my friend had bought me these wedges and they are so cute. The bottom is really skinny though and I have to be careful how I walk. So I got all prettied up and left my apartment. I went down the stairs and around my building just fine but as soon as I hit the sidewalk by the cars BAM fell down. My phone went flying and purse went flying. I mean who does that? Who falls before they have had anything to drink. I can't even consider that a party foul that was just a plain fail. It turned out that I bruised up one leg real good and severely sprained my other foot. My foot was so swollen that I could not wear a show for several days and was to be on crutches. My foot finally feels better and I can wear a shoe but my ankle is still weak and hurts and my other leg is still in pain. But what bothered me the most was that it was hard for me to get up and put my shoes back on. On monday after this all happened I went to work and weighed myself and was horrified. I made the dicision right then to go on weight watchers. So as strapped for money as I am right now it is worth it to me because I need that weekly weigh in to keep me accountable. I will write more of my story tomorrow right now I have to leave to go home.