Monday, January 21, 2013

I survived!!!

So my first weekend alone without the kids went well. I was able to go see them and kiss them goodnight on Friday night. Saturday I brought them home to take showers and get a change of clothes to have for Sunday. On Sunday morning around 10am I went to pick them up. So I really wasn't kid free I still saw them everyday. I did however go out and go to the casino with a friend. I did not spend any money (because I have none) but still had a really good time. I am going to make sure I have plans every weekend that they are not with me so that I am not the loser that stays home sad all weekend waiting for them. I really did enjoy being able to go out and not have to worry about anyone else but myself. I need ideas on what to do though I have never had this kind of freedom before and it is a little overwhelming. Any ideas? Most everyone is married with kids so it isn't like I have a lot of single friends to go and hang out with and even if I did that isn't my scene anyway. I am wanting to go dancing though. It gives me a sense of release. I am thinking of doing the Zumba at the club that they have once a month. Plus I also want to get really involved in activities. I would like to find a group of friends that do things together but I need to meet more people. I am not ready to start dating or meeting people in that sort of fashion yet. I still have my husband who is very sad and depressed but I hope he feels better soon. I don't know what is right or wrong to do with him anymore. I don't know if avoiding him will be better or slowly distancing myself more and more from him would hurt him less. I guess in time it will all figure itself out.

I really am wanting to find out who actually reads my blogs so if you feel inclined please leave me a comment. I am not doing this for that purpose but I see page views and it just peaks my curiosity.

My adventure of putting together a kitchen table and chairs as a single person was interesting this weekend. I was able to attach the legs to the table and get that put together but the chairs however where a complete different story. I looked at all the pieces and almost gave up right then and there. I called my grandpa to see if he would be able to come over and help me because I didn't even know where to begin. He came yesterday and we spend about two hours and all we managed was to get part of the base of the chair together. It was a disaster. My grandfather is someone who does well with things like this and the directions were so hard to understand and the parts all looked the same that I gave up about 30 minutes into the project and he gave up two hours in. I just threw everything on top of the table and said I would take a picture of what it was and looked like and post on Craigslist and say come and get it if interested. But after thinking about it for a few days I decided I would just take it back. When I called customer service and explained that I no longer wanted the table because it was just to complicated to put together to woman on the other end sounded so irritated with me. I said I didn't want it and I want to return it. So I am going today with all the pieces and the skeleton of the chair we managed to put together and getting my money back. I told my grandparents yesterday that I would just buy a couple bar stools and my girls and I will just eat at the bar that every apartment comes with. At least that will give me a little extra room that the stupid table would be taking up. If I ever do end up buying another table, and lets face it I really do need a table but my pride won this battle, I will make sure that it is one that is already put together off the floor.

Well that is all for today, until tomorrow.......

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